David Advanced at Furness
The latest recruit into Furness Mark Lodge No 36 is David Barker. David was proposed for advancement by John Houlding and this was seconded by Peter Dismore MBE. All three served together in what is fondly called the silent service, the Royal Navy Submarine Service. In their case it would be fair to say that a lot of water has passed over the bridge since they first met!
Peter Dismore MBE, David Barker and John Parrott
W.M. John Parrott set a very high standard in undertaking the first part of the ceremony. He was followed by I.P.M. Ian Cottam who maintained the quality as he undertook the middle part of the ceremony. The excellent ritual was continued by Senior Overseer Graham Benson who completed the advancement from that part which follows the presentation of the badge and jewel.
The representative of the Provincial Grand Master Stuart Brackstone was on hand to present David with a letter of welcome from the P.G.M.
Bill Glassey, Ken Boon, Ian Cottam, John Parrott, Graham Benson and Bill Joughin
John Houlding was not present. The rumours that this was so he did not have to buy David a drink are unfounded – he is fact recovering in hospital following recent heart surgery! Standing in for John was Ken Boon.
With the appointed deacons being unable to be present (for good reason) it fell to lodge stalwarts Bill Glassey and Bill Joughin to act as senior and junior deacon respectively. The double Bills performed their roles with distinction.
Stuart Brackstone, Stuart Braithwaite, Steve Renney and Terry Ridal
On the first rising Grand Mark Lodge certificates were presented to Steve Renney, Stuart Braithwaite and Terry Ridal. Special representative Stuart was called into action once more to explain the signification of the certificates.
The evening also saw a proposition in respect of a joining member and another for a candidate for advancement. It would seem that the second half of John Parrott’s reign as W.M. will be as busy and fruitful as the first has proved to be.
Standing are Paul Rose MBE and Stuart Brackstone with (seated) members of Duddon Mark Lodge
Making his first appearance as the visiting W.M. of Jubilee Mark Lodge No 375 was Paul Rose MBE. He was in the company of several other visitors including four from Duddon Mark Lodge who had made their way around the Duddon estuary from Millom in the Province of Cumberland and Westmorland.
Words and pictures by Dave Sear